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WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager Ultimate 6.7.5

Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $9.99.

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  • Last Update: 19.May.2024
  • Version: 6.7.5

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WooCommerce Frontend Manager Ultimate (WCFM): Empower Your Marketplace Vendors

WCFM Ultimate is a premium plugin designed to enhance the functionality of the WooCommerce platform for marketplace vendors. It empowers vendors with a comprehensive suite of tools to manage their stores directly from the WordPress front-end.

Key Features:

  • Product Management:

    • Supported product types: Manage various product types compatible with WooCommerce.
    • Product CSV import: Upload product information in bulk using CSV files.
    • Bulk stock manager: Efficiently manage inventory levels for multiple products at once.
    • Quick edit & bulk edit: Save time with quick editing options and bulk editing capabilities.
    • Featured & duplicate products: Easily mark products as featured or duplicate existing products for faster creation.
    • Product custom fields: Define additional product attributes beyond the default options.
    • Product field validation: Set validation rules to ensure accurate product information.
    • Product limit & allowed category capability: Restrict the number of products vendors can add and control their access to product categories.
  • Vendor Communication & Collaboration:

    • Customer-vendor live chat: Facilitate real-time communication between vendors and customers.
    • Support ticket system: Enable vendors to create and manage support tickets for customer inquiries.
  • Vendor Operations:

    • Store invoice, commission invoice & packing slip: Generate invoices and packing slips directly from the front-end.
    • Shipment tracking: Integrate with shipment tracking services to provide customers with order tracking information.
    • Vendor verification: Establish a verification process for new vendors joining the marketplace.
  • Vendor Reputation & Community:

    • Following – Followers: Allow vendors to build a following and connect with customers.
    • Vendor badges: Assign badges to recognize top-performing vendors or vendors with specific qualities.
  • Additional Features:

    • Vacation mode: Enable vendors to set their store on vacation mode when unavailable.


  • Improved Vendor Experience: Provides vendors with a user-friendly and powerful interface to manage their stores independently.
  • Enhanced Marketplace Management: Streamlines vendor communication, product management, and overall marketplace operations.
  • Increased Vendor Productivity: Offers time-saving tools for bulk actions, quick editing, and streamlined workflows.
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction: Enables vendors to better communicate with customers and fulfill orders efficiently.

Overall, WCFM Ultimate is a valuable tool for businesses operating WooCommerce multi-vendor marketplaces. It empowers vendors, simplifies store management, and fosters better communication within the marketplace ecosystem.

Here are some additional aspects to consider:

  • Pricing: This is a premium plugin, so you’ll need to purchase a license to use it.

  • Alternatives: Explore other WooCommerce multi-vendor marketplace plugins like Dokan, WC Marketplace, WC Vendors, and Marketplace by WCFM to compare features, pricing, and compatibility with your specific needs.

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