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Gravity Perks Limit Choices Plugin 1.7.11

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $9.99.

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  • Last Update: 29.Nov.2024
  • Version: 1.7.11

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Gravity Perks Limit Choices Plugin

Gravity Perks Limit Choices is a plugin for WordPress forms created with Gravity Forms. It allows you to control how many times a user can select a specific option in a multiple-choice field (e.g., radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown menus). This can be useful for situations where you want to limit the availability of certain choices or create a sense of scarcity.

Key Features:

  • Set limits on the number of times each option in a multi-choice field can be selected.
  • Works with product and option fields from Gravity Forms.
  • Options that reach their limit are hidden from the user interface on the front-end but remain editable in the form editor.

How to Enable:

  1. Create a form with a multi-choice field.
  2. Open the field’s settings and look for the checkbox labeled “enable limits” above the “Choices” section.
  3. Check the “enable limits” option and a new “Limit” column will appear next to the choices.
  4. Enter a limit (as a number) for each option, or leave it blank for unlimited selections.

Additional Features:

  • Display Spots Left Label: This option allows you to show how many spots are left for a particular choice on the front-end.
  • Do not disable out of stock choices: By adding code to your theme’s functions.php file, you can prevent options from being hidden even if they reach their limit.

Overall, Gravity Perks Limit Choices is a helpful plugin for managing availability and user selections in Gravity Forms. It’s important to note that you’ll need the Gravity Forms plugin installed for this perk to work

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