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Gravity Perks Gravity Forms Auto Login 2.2.2


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  • Last Update: 19.May.2024
  • Version: 2.2.2

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Gravity Forms Auto Login

Automatic Login After Registration with Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms Auto Login, a perk (add-on) for Gravity Forms, simplifies the user registration process on your WordPress website. Here’s how it works:


  • Automatic Login: After a successful user registration through a Gravity Form, the user is automatically logged in to your website. This eliminates the need for them to enter their login credentials separately.
  • Preserves Existing Confirmation: The perk maintains your existing form confirmation settings. You can still choose to display a text confirmation message, redirect users to a specific WordPress page, or redirect them to a custom URL after registration.

Enabling Auto Login:

  1. Prerequisite: Ensure you have the User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms installed and activated.
  2. Access User Registration Settings: Navigate to the User Registration page in your Gravity Forms settings.
  3. Create/Edit Feed: Create a new registration feed or edit an existing one.
  4. Enable Auto Login: Scroll down to the “Additional Options” section and locate the checkbox labeled “Auto Login.” Check this box to activate auto-login for this specific feed.
  5. Save Changes: Save your form settings.

Post-Login Redirection:

  • Automatic Login is Separate: Enabling auto-login doesn’t affect your form’s existing confirmation settings.
  • Custom Redirection: If you want to redirect users to a different page after they’re automatically logged in, you can configure the URL in the “Confirmation” setting within your form settings.

Gravity Forms User Registration with Pending Activation:

  • Supported Feature (v1.2+): Gravity Forms Auto Login v1.2 and above now support automatically logging in users after they activate their accounts (assuming the option is enabled in the User Registration feed).
  • Important Note: The default account activation email template included with Gravity Forms (based on WordPress’ version) doesn’t allow users to log in until their account is activated. You may need to modify the email template or use a different plugin for account activation emails to ensure a seamless experience.

Overall, Gravity Forms Auto Login streamlines the user registration process on your WordPress website by automatically logging in users after successful registration.

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