FluentCRM Pro – Email Marketing Automation For WP 2.9.1

Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $9.99.

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  • wd chevron 14 100% Original Product and Virus Free
  • wd chevron 14 Free New Version Lifetime On Single Purchase
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  • Last Update: 11.Jun.2024
  • Version: 2.9.1

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FluentCRM Pro: Supercharge Your Email Marketing Efforts with Advanced Features

FluentCRM Pro is a powerful email marketing automation plugin designed specifically for WordPress users. It empowers you to manage your customer relationships, email campaigns, and automations directly from your WordPress dashboard, eliminating the need for separate platforms.

Key Features:

  • Effortless Contact Management:

    • Create contact lists effortlessly by importing existing WordPress users, uploading CSV files, or building new lists.
    • Automate list population using triggers like user signup, purchases, course completions, or form submissions.
  • Streamlined Email Campaign Management:

    • Design and send bulk email campaigns to targeted audiences with ease.
    • Craft compelling email content using a user-friendly editor with shortcodes and design templates.
    • A/B test subject lines and preheaders to optimize campaign performance.
    • Schedule campaigns or send them instantly.
    • Utilize UTM parameters for in-depth campaign tracking.
  • Automated Email Sequences:

    • Design automated email funnels to nurture leads and convert them into paying customers.
    • Trigger email sequences based on user actions (subscriptions, purchases, course completions, etc.).
    • Set conditions and intervals for automated email delivery.
  • Enhanced Lead Conversion:

    • Gain valuable insights into campaign performance with detailed reporting.
    • Analyze A/B testing results to identify the most effective subject lines and content.
    • Track email open rates and click-through rates to understand user engagement.
    • Utilize dynamic segments to re-engage inactive contacts with targeted offers.
  • Upskilling & Customer Retention:

    • Craft multi-stage sales funnels to encourage repeat purchases and upsells from existing customers.
    • Trigger new funnels based on user behavior within existing funnels, fostering long-term customer relationships.

Overall, FluentCRM Pro surpasses the limitations of the free version by offering advanced automation capabilities, in-depth analytics, dynamic segmentation, and the ability to create multi-stage sales funnels. This empowers you to automate your email marketing efforts, nurture leads more effectively, and ultimately achieve higher conversion rates and customer retention.

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