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ChatBot for WordPress 12.6.4

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $9.99.

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  • wd chevron 14 100% Original Product and Virus Free
  • wd chevron 14 Free New Version Lifetime On Single Purchase
  • wd chevron 14 Unlimited Website Usage
  • wd chevron 14 Secure & Easy Payment Process
  • Last Update: 21.Jul.2024
  • Version: 12.6.4

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 ChatBot for WordPress 

WPBot is a chatbot plugin specifically designed for WordPress websites. It allows you to add a chat interface to your website where visitors can interact with a bot to get answers to their questions, complete tasks, and more.

Here are some of the key features of WPBot:

  • Predefined intents: WPBot comes with a number of built-in intents, such as simple text responses, website search, email subscription, call me back, feedback collection, and frequently asked questions. These intents can be used without any integration with Dialogflow.
  • Dialogflow integration: WPBot can be integrated with Google’s Dialogflow, which allows you to create more sophisticated chatbots that can understand natural language and carry on conversations.
  • Language support: WPBot supports multiple languages, including RTL languages.
  • Image and Youtube video support: The ChatBot supports images and youtube videos.
  • Bot activity scheduling: You can schedule the day and time during which the WPBot will operate.

Overall, WPBot is a powerful and versatile chatbot plugin that can be used to improve user engagement, provide customer support, and increase conversions on your WordPress website.

Here are some additional points to note:

  • WPBot is a paid plugin, but there is a free version available with limited features.
  • WPBot does not support multiple languages at the same time.
  • You can use WPBot without any technical knowledge
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